Friday, October 28, 2011

Your First Look At WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN #2!

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Your First Look At WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN #2!
It’s official, Wolverine & The X-Men is a hit and to celebrate the book’s critical acclaim, Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Wolverine & The X-Men #2! Following the catastrophic disruption to the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, superstar creative team Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo are putting Wolverine and his new school to the test! With the all-new Hellfire Club causing all sorts of headaches for the new students, Logan must rally the troops and face the return of a classic X-Villain!
Fans and Critics agree, they love Wolverine & The X-Men!
“Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo have delivered a fantastic  first issue of the kind of X-Men book that I want to read for a very long time.” – Ron Richards,
“It's nice to feel taken by the hand and led into a world you already know intimately only to find it has been given a serious upgrade that could very well drive it most excellently into the future. I'm in.” – Kelly Thompson,
“If you're looking for an in to the X-Universe, this should do it.” Joey Esposito,
“Wolverine and the X-Men #1 makes me hopeful for the future of comic books in America.” – Alex Zalben,
“I was caught off guard by how much I enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next issue.” – Tony Guerrero,
“As far as first issues go, Wolverine and the X-Men passes with flying colors. Enroll now.” – David Pepose,
Did Wolverine make the right decision by moving to Westchester? Can he keep his school together before it’s too late? Find out this December, in Wolverine & The X-Men #2!
Want to learn more about the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning? Visit
What classes are you most interested in? Join the conversation on Twitter with #XMenRegenesis!
GetGlue users – check in to Wolverine & The X-Men #1 and get your exclusive sticker, today!
Written by JASON AARON
Pencils & Cover by CHRIS BACHALO
FOC – 10/31/11, ON SALE – 11/23/11

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